Friday, July 2, 2010

"C" Wedding!

What a beautiful day this was for J & Y. It was exciting to be a part of their celebration and help them create lasting memories. Thank you!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby "R" at 8 days old!

Take a look at this sweet thing! I love her hair. It reminds me of my little Gracie when she was born. She was fun to photograph and has very pretty eyes. I loved her outfit with the cows! She is cousin to the little guy I photographed last week. Congratulations!

9 days and precious!

This precious little guy was so fun to photograph. He was pretty alert for awhile and sure likes his binky. Took a bit to get some shots without it. Thanks to his mom for allowing me to capture these special moments.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Here are a few shots I did yesterday with some help from friends on how to utilize the lights I have just a bit better. The girls are always so willing to be my models when I want to play around. Can you tell which one gets into it more? Thanks G/D for coming over and playing around with lighting...